Organizing Your Financial Plan

An Unorganized Plan Leaves You Exposed

People spend years properly implementing and documenting their financial plan. However, we’ve found that the world’s best plans can be rendered useless if your loved ones don’t have adequate direction when you die.

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photo of the McCabe & Associates financial advisors

Common Questions Surrounding Plan Organization

We often see that even those who put together all the pieces of their plan (investments, insurance, estate plan) still have these lingering questions:

  1. How do I consolidate all these documents?
  2. If I die, will my spouse know where to find everything?
  3. How do I connect my children with the professionals that are intimately acquainted with my affairs?
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A Good Advisor is also a Good Organizer

We’ve stressed to our advisors the importance of keeping your family organized during 3 key periods:

During Your Lifetime
During Your Spouse’s Lifetime
During Your Children’s Lifetime

During Your Lifetime

It is vital to collect and maintain all of your important documents in a secure location so that they are easily accessible.

During Your Spouse’s Lifetime

Our advisors will be there with your spouse every step of the way to guide them after your passing.

During Your Children’s Lifetime

Properly organized families guarantee that their legacy is passed down effectively. Our advisors will help you see the benefits of staying organized over several generations.

Step One is Knowing What You Need to Organize

We recommend using our Estate Planning Organizer to help you get a jump start on organizing your affairs.

Let’s Discuss Your Financial Plan Organization Needs

Using our virtual family office, you can meet with our advisors from the comfort of your own home while receiving the same level of service you deserve.

The McCabe Difference


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We offer tailored experiences for high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth individuals.

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We take a collaborative approach with other professionals.

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We embrace traditional and cutting edge technology to match the times and offer you better solutions.

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We prefer a depth of expertise in fewer areas, to being generalists.

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We have over 40 years experience in this industry helping hundreds of clients.

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Schedule A Meeting

Schedule a meeting with our advisors by using our Second Opinion Service, our advisors’ Calendly links, or simply call our office main line.

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Meet With Your Advisor

Meet with your designated advisor virtually or in-person to get to know each other and the rest of your family. Many times, a follow-up meeting will be beneficial so you know the value that will be provided before you become a client of the firm.

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Complete Our Onboarding Process

Assuming you and the advisor see the potential for a long-term relationship, our staff will guide you through our onboarding process to set up accounts with our custodian and join our portfolio monitoring system, Black Diamond. 

Frequently Asked Questions