708.479.7755 info@tcmccabe.com

According to the Social Security Administration, a 20-year old has a 1 in 4 chance of becoming disabled before reaching age 67 (SSA, 2015). While the Social Security Administration does provide some disability benefits, their average payout doesn’t always cover the average American’s living expense, and about 2/3 of initial applicants were denied in 2013 (Council for Disability Awareness, 2014).

For many people, losing even one month of income, let alone several, or losing half their pay is not an option. That’s where disability income insurance comes in. Whether you experience an accident or are diagnosed with cancer, disability income insurance can help you make ends meet as you live each day.

Disability income insurance often takes the back seat to life insurance and even long-term care insurance. But what happens if you lose your ability to work and earn a living? We’d love to discuss your specific situation with you and determine if disability income insurance is right for you. Please contact us to learn more.