708.479.7755 info@tcmccabe.com

How Can My Clients and I Stay Safe Online?

Cetera Financial Group’s Information Security team has provided the following important general reminders about data security:

  1. Ensure all passwords conform to a “strong password”
  2. Have a reliable malware or virus protection program in place on all your office & home computers and be sure it is updated regularly.
  3. Any sensitive information sent electronically should be sent securely, and you should not click on attachments from unknown senders.
  4. Always obtain verbal confirmation for disbursements.  Requests for disbursement of funds sent by email are never sufficient and are contrary to Cetera firm policies.
  5. We recommend our clients encrypt your personal computers.
  6. During any discussions and reviews, we will remind you how easy it is for a hacker to get access to any email system, and to please pay close attention to the type of information you are sending via email.