708.479.7755 info@tcmccabe.com

Options for Easing Into Retirement

There’s good news for the growing number of Americans approaching retirement age who are ready to scale back, but aren’t ready to completely call it quits where working is concerned. Whether you’re seeking to work full or part-time in retirement to continue building...

Teaching Kids About Money

Teaching kids about money can be a daunting task, but is more necessary now than ever. Debt balances for households in the U.S. increased 1.2% in the first quarter of 2017, reaching $12.73 trillion, higher than its previous peak in 2008. This rise in household debt...

Catch Up on Your Retirement Savings

If you’re in your 40s and 50s, retirement isn’t too far off. Many Americans have not saved adequately for retirement, nor are they well-informed on what retirement may look like for them. Have you been putting enough away to retire? The good news is, though time is...

Spring Clean Your Finances

Have you taken the time to look at your budget and make sure it’s still applicable & manageable? Creating a balanced budget is important as you spring clean your finances. But here are a few other things you can do as you revisit your financial picture &...

Revisit Your Budget

The weather is changing, the trees are blooming and the smell of spring is in the air! If you’re like us, you’re also opening up your windows to air out the house & even getting spring cleaning done around the house. Spring cleaning doesn’t only apply to your...