708.479.7755 info@tcmccabe.com

We Only Know What We Know

The first months of Donald Trump’s presidency have been eventful, ridiculed, praised, judged… it’s been a whirlwind. To say that we don’t know what’s on the horizon for our country is an understatement. With a divided country and a divided Congress, sometimes it feels...

Rhetoric vs. Reality

Donald Trump addressed Congress on Tuesday night and once again made the statements and promises aligned with those he made during his campaign. Based on his perceived policies, the market has been on a tear since his election. But will his rhetoric become reality? As...

Who Will Get Your Money?

Money can make things complicated, especially when it involves the death of a family member or loved one. Imagine how more complex things might get if the person who passed away unknowingly gifts an ex-spouse with the payout from a life insurance policy or retirement...

A Historical Study on Elections

The months leading up to and the days following this week’s election have been full of emotion and passion. We realize that many people have their minds on what the results may mean for their families and for their finances. At McCabe & Associates, our mission is...